
Nonlinearity is virtually ubiquitous in chemical engineering plants, and assessing the degree of nonlinearity involved in a process is of special interest for process control purposes. In this paper, we introduce a simple nonlinearity measure to quantify the extent of nonlinearity in a dynamic system based on its normalized steady-state input/output loci. Our nonlinearity measure obviates the limitations of previous metrics in terms of computational effort and correct identification of highly nonlinear relationships. The measure is satisfactorily applicable to various I/O relationships-from truly linear to sinusoidal, for instance. In order to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed measure, four numerical examples concerning a double-effect evaporator, a jacketed continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with an irreversible reaction, a CSTR involving van de Vusse reactions, and the Henson-Seborg-Pottmann CSTR are presented.

  • 出版日期2015