
This article proposes a new approach for routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) for permanent and reliable wavelength paths (WP) in wide all-optical WDM networks with wavelength continuity constraint. Given a number of available wavelengths on each optical fiber, for each simple link failure of the network, we seek to maximize the number of satisfied requests for connections. This is known as RWAP problem. In our algorithm, called RWA with Minimum Loaded Link for Permanent and Reliable wavelength paths (MLL-PR), routing is based on the search for the optimal path while trying to minimize the maximum load on the links of the network in order to minimize the maximum link capacity and then minimize the number of dropped lightpaths after any link failure. The wavelength assignment is based on a graph coloring method using tabu-search. A series of experiments using two well-known networks (ARPANET and NSFNET) have been carried out in order to evaluate the performance of our approach, in terms of the number of blocked demands, for different failure scenarios. Generally, our results are better than those provided by the current solving approaches taken as reference.

  • 出版日期2008-2