A differential scanning calorimetric study of beta-lactoglobulin and vitamin D-3 complexes

作者:Gorska Agata*; Ostrowska Ligeza Ewa; Szulc Karolina; Wirkowska Magdalena
来源:Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2012, 110(1): 473-477.


In the study, beta-lactoglobulin and vitamin D-3 complexes were obtained through spray drying at inlet temperature of 120 or 150 A degrees C. Additionally, complexes with lactose were synthesised. Modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) was used in order to explain the glass transitional behaviour of spray dried beta-lactoglobulin-vitamin D-3 and beta-lactoglobulin-vitamin D-3-lactose complexes and the influence of applied spray drying conditions on calorimetric parameters. The glass transition temperatures of the powders in this study ranged from 112.93 to 112.99 A degrees C (T (g) onset), from 118.42 to 119.20 A degrees C (T (g) midpoint) and from 122.07 to 125.08 A degrees C (T (g) endpoint). The present study has shown that the values of glass transition temperatures at a (w) = 0 did not differ significantly for studied samples obtained in a form of spray-dried powders, despite of various process conditions applied. The different values of heat capacity changes can be related to the various vitamin D-3 content in tested samples.