
One of the major computational challenges that online businesses face today is to make sense of huge amount of information. Granular computing has emerged as an important conceptual and computational paradigm of information processing. As an emerging field of study, it has been suggested that granular computing at philosophical level concerns with structural thinking and at the application level concerns with structured problem solving. It has been further suggested that fuzzy information granulation, as a special case of granular computing, is likely to play an important role in the evolution of fuzzy logic and may eventually have a far-reaching impact on its applications. Responding to the calls for future studies dealing with the applications of fuzzy information granulation, this paper presents an application of the theory of fuzzy information granulation in an emerging and important area where there has not yet been any application, showing how online sports services can make sense of huge amount of data in a structured way and how they can structure their decisions. The empirical results show that despite the huge amount of data that needs to be processed, fuzzy information granulation can help online sports services make sense of it and identify meaningful granules for easier decision making.