A verdadeira fratura do colo do f那mur

作者:Schwartsmann; Carlos Roberto; Oliveira; Gustavo Kaempf de; Oliveira; Ricardo Kaempf de; Boschin; Leonardo Carbonera; Mothes; Fernando Carlos; Silva; Ricardo Canquerini da
来源:Acta Ortop%26eacute;dica Brasileira, 2000.


hundred and six femoral necks collected during hip arthroplasty for treatment of fracture of femoral neck were studied macroscopically and radiographically with attention to the fracture line and the existence of the inferior neck that can remain with the femoral neck. the conclusion was that fractures of femoral neck follow a constant regarding the line of fracture, and that a true subcapital fracture does not exist, since in all studied cases there was a fragment of neck in the femoral head (spur).

  • 出版日期2000
