
The colocated uniform linear array (ULA) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar has been demonstrated to provide enhanced performance in theory. Similar to a bistatic radar, performance of the separated transmit/receive (STR) ULA-MIMO radar is affected not only by the transmitted multiple orthogonal waveforms, but also by the position of the target. In this correspondence, the ambiguity function of the STR-ULA-MIMO radar is investigated and the corresponding range-velocity ambiguity RVAF) is deduced. The range and velocity resolution of RVAF for the STR-ULA-MIMO radar is discussed. Because the shape of RVAF for the STR-ULA-MIMO radar is related to the position of the target, a new algorithm for adaptively designing the orthogonal frequency-hopping waveforms according to the position of the target is proposed. This algorithm improves the range and velocity resolution and the integrated sidelobe level (ISL) of the matched filter output at the corresponding position.