Analysis of Protein Fractions and Some Minerals Present in Chan (Hyptis suaveolens L.) Seeds

作者:Aguirre Cesar; Torres Iovanna; Mendoza Hernandez Guillermo; Garcia Gasca Teresa; Blanco Labra Alejandro*
来源:Journal of Food Science, 2012, 77(1): C15-C19.


Chan (Hyptis suaveolens L.) seeds have been used as food as well as in traditional medicine in several countries of America, Asia and Africa. Chan seed protein content was 13.9% on dry weight basis. Analysis of its protein composition showed 39% globulins, 36% glutelins, 24% albumins, and 1% prolamins. By defatting the flour with chloroform/methanol, it increased the extracted proteins and improved the protein band resolution after SDS-PAGE, showing 5 albumin bands, 8 globulin bands, and 2 prolamin and glutelin bands. The aromatic amino acid content in chan seeds is higher than those of other grains including maize, with good levels of branched chain amino acids. In general, except for lysine, it has a well-balanced amino acid composition, providing a good supply of almost all the essential amino acids for the different age groups. Magnesium content was high, whereas calcium, potassium, and phosphorous were in the average range when compared to barley, oat, rice, and wheat. The present results indicate that seeds from the chan plant could be relevant because of their nutritional properties and they have the potential to be widely used in the production of high-quality food.

  • 出版日期2012-1