A conditional purpose-based access control model with dynamic roles

作者:Kabir Md Enamul*; Wang Hua; Bertino Elisa
来源:Expert Systems with Applications, 2011, 38(3): 1482-1489.


This paper presents a model for privacy preserving access control which is based on variety of purposes. Conditional purpose is applied along with allowed purpose and prohibited purpose in the model. It allows users using some data for certain purpose with conditions. The structure of conditional purpose-based access control model is defined and investigated through dynamic roles. Access purpose is verified in a dynamic behavior, based on subject attributes, context attributes and authorization policies. Intended purposes are dynamically associated with the requested data object during the access decision. An algorithm is developed to achieve the compliance computation between access purposes and intended purposes and is illustrated with Role-based access control (RBAC) in a dynamic manner to support conditional purpose-based access control. According to this model, more information from data providers can be extracted while at the same time assuring privacy that maximizes the usability of consumers' data. It extends traditional access control models to a further coverage of privacy preserving in data mining atmosphere. The structure helps enterprises to circulate clear privacy promise, to collect and manage user preferences and consent.