
This article studies the development of body weight components on the basis of anthropometric determination of the dynamics of the amount of fat, muscles and bones in 2094 children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years (1054 girls and 1040 boys). The data were transversely collected at some schools in Plovdiv. The results were obtained for the differentiation in the change of body building, both in individuals of the same age and in the process of growth and development. Our results indicate that namely in the puberty period there is a change in the developmental processes of fat and muscle mass, which determines the further architecture of the male or female body. In girls the development of skeletal muscles and bone tissue practically stops after the puberty period (14-15 years), while in boys these two components of body composition continue to increase after this age with relatively high intensity.

  • 出版日期2010-5