
The stability of reaction-fronts in porous media is studied with analytical and numerical methods. A stability criterion has been derived using linear stability analysis assuming a sharp font. The sharp front assumption is an approximation of the mathematical model in the limit of an infinite rapid reaction. The criterion shows that the stability of a sharp reaction front is dependent on the permeability that develops behind it. The sharp front is unstable for perturbations of any wave-length if the permeability increases behind the front. The criterion shows that short wave-length perturbations are more unstable than long wave-length perturbations. The sharp front is labile when the permeabilities are the same at both sides of the front. This means that the perturbed front moves unchanged forward. Finally, perturbations will die out in case the permeability decreases behind the sharp front. The stability of non-sharp fronts are simulated numerically when dissolution is by first order kinetics, the transport is by convection and diffusion and when the permeability and specific reactive surface depends on the porosity. The numerical experiments behave according to the stability criterion.

  • 出版日期2013-4-1