
Aim: To determine the steady state concentration and the pharmacokinetics of Cyclosporine A (CsA) in heart transplant recipients. Methods: A single dose of 100 mg CsA capsules twice daily was given to five heart transplant recipients of steady state. The concentrations of CsA in plasma were determined by streptavidin peroxidase fluorescent polarization immunoassay. Results: The main pharmacokinetic parameters of CsA were as follows: t(max) (1.60 +/- 0.55) h, p(max) (951.60 +/- 229.20) mu g.L-1, t(1/2) (6.53 +/- 2.40) h, and AUC(0-t) (5162.10 +/- 1355.01) mu g.h.L-1. Conclusion: The study obtained the steady state pharmacokinetic parameters of CsA in Chinese heart transplant recipients.
