A bioinformatic assay for pluripotency in human cells

作者:Mueller Franz Josef; Schuldt Bernhard M; Williams Roy; Mason Dylan; Altun Gulsah; Papapetrou Eirini P; Danner Sandra; Goldmann Johanna E; Herbst Arne; Schmidt Nils O; Aldenhoff Josef B; Laurent Louise C; Loring Jeanne F
来源:Nature Methods, 2011, 8(4): 315-U54.


Pluripotent stem cells (PSCSCs) are defined by their potential to generate all cell types of an organism. The standard assay for pluripotency of mouse PSCSCs is cell transmission through the germline, but for human PSCSCs researchers depend on indirect methods such as differentiation into teratomas in immunodeficient mice. Here we report PluriTest, a robust open-access bioinformatic assay of pluripotency in human cells based on their gene expression profiles.