
We investigate a lattice design for a low-emittance, high-brilliance intermediate energy synchrotron light source that is being intensively performed in the world. We present the design results in detail for a non-achromatic double bend achromat lattice with an emittance of 1.1 nm and 597.6 m circumference. Each superperiod has 4 straight sections, 7 m, 5.4 m, and 2 x 2.8 m in length, giving a total of 60 straight sections in the ring. The lattice is designed to be flexible and also provides an achromatic optics with an emittance of 3.2 nm. The lattice provides high brilliance at a photon energy of a few tens of keV, which meets the requirements of hard X-ray synchrotron radiation users. We investigated the dynamic aperture in the lattice with machine errors using a simulation method that achieves the optimal tune for the ring. The low-emittance lattice provides sufficient dynamic aperture after closed orbit distortion correction. We show an estimate of variations of emittance, energy spread, and dynamic aperture due to a wiggler in the straight sections. We present the design of an injection scheme for full energy injection, the space allocation in injection section, and the particle dynamics of injected beam. Particle tracking after beam injection was performed to examine the validity of the injection scheme. Our design lattice shows good optimization in terms of the emittance, number of straight sections, brilliance, and circumference as a light source for 3.5 GeV beam energy.

  • 出版日期2014-3