
The risk of reflux condensation especially during a Small Break Loss Of Coolant Accident (SB-LOCA) and the complications of tracking the boron concentration experimentally inside the primary coolant system have stimulated and subsequently have been a focus of many computational studies on boron tracking simulations in nuclear reactors. This paper presents the development and implementation of a multidimensional boron transport model with Modified Godunov Scheme within a thermal-hydraulic code based on a subchannel approach. The cross flow mechanism in multiple-subchannel rod bundle geometry as well as the heat transfer and lateral pressure drop effects are considered in the performed studies on simulations of deboration and boration cases. The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) version of the COBRA-TF (CTF) code was chosen for the implementation of three different boron tracking models: First Order Accurate Upwind Difference Scheme, Second Order Accurate Godunov Scheme, and Modified Godunov Scheme. Based on the performed nodalization sensitivity studies, the Modified Godunov Scheme approach with a physical diffusion term was determined to provide the best solution in terms of precision and accuracy. As a part of the verification and validation activities, a code-to-code comparison was carried out with the STAR-CD computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code and presented here. The objective of this study was two-fold: (1) to verify the accuracy of the newly developed CTF boron tracking model against CFD calculations; and (2) to investigate its numerical advantages as compared to other thermal-hydraulics codes.

  • 出版日期2014-10-15