
Electron microscopy and morphometric measurements of bone osteoid collagen diameter from 42 osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) patients and 25 age- and site-matched controls were carried out. Although the mean diameter did not correlate well with the severity of the disease, it related well with the clinical types and revealed collagen fibrils of reduced diameter in the osteoid of all OI types. Thus, OI type II (the severest type) demonstrated the smallest diameter (45 nm), followed by OI type I(the mildest form) with a mean diameter of 57 nm. The diameter obtained for type III (67 nm) and type IV (64 nm) was lower than the normal control mean diameter (73 nm) but did not show a statistical difference. The thinner fibrils observed in OI bone may be unable to provide nucleating and scaffolding sites for mineral propagation and may play a role in the fragility of bone in this disease.