
Based on the Overlapped Multiplexing Principle [12], a frequency domain OVFDM (Overlapped Frequency Domain Multiplexing) Coding is proposed. By the data weighted shift overlapped version of any band-limited Multiplexing Transfer Function H( f) the coding gain and spectral efficiency are both achieved. The heavier the overlap of the data weighted Multiplexing Transfer Function H( f), the higher the coding gain and spectral efficiency as well as the closer the output to the optimum complex Gaussian distribution. The bit error probability performance is estimated. The time domain OVTDM (Overlapped Time Domain Multiplexing) Coding, the dual of OVFDM in time domain is incidentally proposed as well. Both theoretical analysis and testified simulations show that OVFDM (OVTDM) is suitable for high spectral efficiency application and its spectral efficiency is only roughly linear to SNR rather than the well-known logarithm to SNR.