
Studies have been reported about the efficacy of satellites for measuring precipitation and about quantifying their errors. Based on these studies, the errors are associated with a number of factors, among them, intensity, location, climate, and season of the year. Several error models have been proposed to assess the relationship between the error and the rainfall intensity. However, it is unknown whether these models are adaptive to different seasons, different regions, or different types of satellite-based estimates. Therefore, how the error-intensity relationship varies with the season or region is unclear. To investigate these issues, a parametric joint pdf model is proposed to analyze and study the 9-yr satellite-derived precipitation datasets of Climate Prediction Center (CPC) morphing technique (CMORPH); PERSIANN; and the real-time TRMM product 3B42, version 7 (TRMM-3B42-RTV7). The NEXRAD Stage IV product is the ground reference. The adaptability of the proposed model is verified by applying it to three locations (Oklahoma, Montana, and Florida) and by applying it to cold season, warm season, and the entire year. Then, the heteroscedasticities in the errors of satellite-based precipitation measurements are investigated using the proposed model under those scenarios. The results show that the joint pdfs have the same formulation under these scenarios, whereas their parameter sets were adaptively adjusted. This parametric model reveals detailed information about the spatial and seasonal variations of the satellite-based precipitation measurements. It is found that the shape of the conditional pdf shifts across the intensity ranges. At the similar to 10-20 mm day(-1) range, the conditional pdf is L shaped, while at the similar to 40-60 mm day(-1) range, it becomes more bell shaped. It is also concluded that no single satellite-based precipitation product outperforms others with respect to the different scenarios (i.e., seasons, regions, and climates).

  • 出版日期2015-8