
Modulating transport behaviors of two-dimensional electron gases are of critical importance for applications of the next-generation multifunctional oxide electronics. In this study, transport behaviors of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces modified through the Ni dopant and the light irradiation have been investigated. Through the Ni dopant, the resistances increase significantly and a resistance upturn phenomenon due to the Kondo effect is observed at T < 40 K. Under a 360 nm light irradiation, the interfaces exhibit a persistent photo-conductivity and a suppressed Kondo effect at low temperature due to the increased mobility measured through the photo-Hall method. Moreover, the relative changes in resistance of interfaces induced by light are increased from 800 to 6600% at T = 12 K with increasing the substitution of Ni, which is discussed by the band bending and the lattice effect due to the Ni dopant. This work paves the way for better controlling the emerging properties of complex oxide heterointerfaces and would be helpful for photoelectric device applications based on all-oxides.