
The neutralised zinc sulfate solution obtained from hydrometallurgical process of Angouran zinc concentrate has cadmium, nickel and cobalt impurities that must be purified before electrowinning. Therefore, cadmium and nickel are usually cemented out by addition of zinc dust under cold purification conditions. The present research aims to introduce a new technique for determination of effective parameters and optimisation of zinc electrolyte cold purification process using statistical design of experiments. The Taguchi's method, based on orthogonal array design (OAD), was used to arrange the experiments. The experimental conditions addressed in the study were: the temperature range of 45-65 degrees C for reaction temperature (T), one to five series for zinc dust particle size distributions (S), 15-75 min for reaction time (t), 1-2.5 g L-1 for zinc powder concentration (M), and 200-600 rev min(-1) (R) for stirring speed. Optimum conditions for cold purification obtained in this study were T-4 (60 degrees C), S-1 (series 1), t(3) (45 min), M-5 (2.5 g L-1), and R-1 (200 rev min(-1)).

  • 出版日期2014-7