
Copulation in South Dakota ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata) was observed from April through September, with oviposition of 2- 5 ((x) over bar = 4.3) eggs in June. Growth was rapid during the first few years of life but slowed thereafter, with adult females attaining significantly larger (p, 0.001) carapace ((x) over bar= 117.8 mm) and plastron ((x) over bar = 123.9 mm) lengths (CL and PL, respectively) than did adult males (CL = 114.5 mm, x PL = 118.1 mm). Both sexes can mature by age nine, with our smallest adult female (CL = 112.1 mm, PL = 115.5 mm) larger than our smallest adult male (CL = 107.9 mm, PL = 110.4 mm).

  • 出版日期2014-7