
The aim of this study is to analyze relationships between lithological heterogeneity and petrophysical properties in fluvial features of the Guantao Formation (Miocene) in view of reservoir water flooding in the Shengli oilfield (Shandong Province, RPC). Black oil simulation models of intermediate scale elements such as point bars and their lateral accretion beds. Using analysis assay data from sealed coring wells demonstrates permeability, rather than porosity, as the determining constraining parameter. The Guantao formation consists of fluvial deposits of braided and meandering river. In the Shengli Oil Field, the target layer of Ng5(2+3) is mainly composed of well-sorted fine-grain sandstone, and it mainly develops in-channel point bars which are characterized by lateral accretion with graded sand-shale beds showing notable variations in porosity and permeability. Dense well spacing sections were used to identify geometric architectural parameters of the subsurface sandstone interpreted as fluvial point bars. These parameters were used to build the model of the point-bar stratigraphic framework, accurately reflecting the Guantao Formation channel-fill architecture. An exponential function was used to reconstruct the permeability model of intermediate-scale elements and lateral-accretion beds in contrast with models constrained by porosity and shale drapes. Analysis assay data of sealed coring wells indicate that porosity does not display obvious changes in the main body part of point-bar sandstone, and porosity has less obvious correlations with permeability and grain size. The grain size of sandstone exhibits regular variation in intermediate-scale depositional elements and lateral-accretion beds. Vertically, the change of permeability presents exponential functions in the same intermediate-scale element and lateral-accretion bed. Two-and three-dimensional (2-D and 3-D) models and black-oil simulations compare scenarios based on different lithologies, shale drapes, observed grain-size trends, petrophysical properties, and modeling methods. Affected by the shape features of lateral-accretion interfaces, the enrichment areas of remaining oil obviously exhibit morphological characteristics of the echelon. There is little difference in breakthrough time between the "shale drapes" model using porosity as constraint and that using the permeability-distribution function as constraint, but the recovery percentage of the latter model is obviously lower than that of the former. The model in which lateral-accretion beds and units were modeled with the permeability-distribution function as the constraint is about 6% lower than the "shale drapes" model constrained by porosity in recovery percent after 10 years. From the development effect, the injection-production method in which the water-flooding direction is along the dip direction of lateral-accretion surfaces is a little better than that in which the water-flooding direction is opposite to the dip direction of intersurfaces.