
The evolution of intramuscular fat (IMF) and subcutaneous backfat (SB) content and fatty acid composition with age was investigated. A repeated sampling scheme (n = 517) for longissimus dorsi (LM) and SB specimens was performed from 160 to 220 days on 216 purebred Duroc barrows. IMF content increased linearly with age at a rate of 0.05%/day, with major compositional changes occurring in C18:1 and C18.2, which increased and decreased by around 4%, respectively. Backfat thickness increase rate declined with age, showing similar compositional changes to IMF but halved in magnitude. Fat content itself also influenced fat composition. At a fixed age, both saturated (SFA) (C16:0) and monounsaturated (MUFA) (C18:1) increased with IMF but only SFA (C16:0 and C18:0) with SB. Aging mostly affected MUFA while fatness SFA. A delay in age at slaughter will enhance IMF and C18:1 in relation to overall fatness but at expense of decreasing body and loin growth rate.

  • 出版日期2012-7