
Key message Cruciferin (cru) and napin (nap) were negatively correlated and the cru/nap ratio was closely negative correlated with glucosinolate content indicating a link between the two biosynthetic pathways. Abstract Canola-type oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is an economically important oilseed crop in temperate zones. Apart from the oil, the canola protein shows potential as a value-added food and nutraceutical ingredient. The two major storage protein groups occurring in oilseed rape are the 2 S napins and 12 S cruciferins. The aim of the present study was to analyse the genetic variation and the inheritance of napin and cruciferin content of the seed protein in the winter oilseed rape doubled haploid population Express 617 x R 53 and to determine correlations to other seed traits. Seed samples were obtained from field experiments performed in 2 years at two locations with two replicates in Germany. A previously developed molecular marker map of the DH population was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) of the relevant traits. The results indicated highly significant effects of the year and the genotype on napin and cruciferin content as well as on the ratio of cruciferin to napin. Heritabilities were comparatively high with 0.79 for napin and 0.77 for cruciferin. Napin and cruciferin showed a significant negative correlation (-0.36**) and a close negative correlation of the cru/nap ratio to glucosinolate content was observed (-0.81**). Three QTL for napin and two QTL for cruciferin were detected, together explaining 47 and 35 % of the phenotypic variance. A major QTL for glucosinolate content was detected on linkage group N19 whose confidence interval overlapped with QTL for napin and cruciferin content. Results indicate a relationship between seed protein composition and glucosinolate content.

  • 出版日期2014-5