
In this paper, a large family F(K) (l) of binary sequences of period 2(n) -1 is constructed for odd n=2m+1, where k is any integer with ged (n, k) = 1 and l is an integer with l <= l <= m. This generalizes the construction of modified Gold sequences by Rothaus. It is shown that F(K) (l) has family size 2(ln) + 2((l-1)n) + ....... + 2(n) + 1, maximum nontrivial correlation magnitude 1 + 2(m) (broken vertical bar) (l) . Based on the theory of quadratic forms over finite fields, all exact correlation values between sequences in F(k)(l) are determined. Futhermore, the family F(k)(2) is discussed in detail to compute its complete correlation distribution.