
Privacy-preserving collaborative filtering (PPCF) methods designate extremely beneficial filtering skills without deeply jeopardizing privacy. However, they mostly suffer from scalability, sparsity, and accuracy problems. First, applying privacy measures introduces additional costs making scalability worse. Second, due to randomness for preserving privacy, quality of predictions diminishes. Third, with increasing number of products, sparsity becomes an issue for both CF and PPCF schemes. In this study, we first propose a content-based profiling (CBP) of users to overcome sparsity issues while performing clustering because the very sparse nature of rating profiles sometimes do not allow strong discrimination. To cope with scalability and accuracy problems of PPCF schemes, we then show how to apply k-means clustering (KMC), fuzzy c-means method (FCM), and self-organizing map (SOM) clustering to CF schemes while preserving users' confidentiality. After presenting an evaluation of clustering-based methods in terms of privacy and supplementary costs, we carry out real data-based experiments to compare the clustering algorithms within and against traditional CF and PPCF approaches in terms of accuracy. Our empirical outcomes demonstrate that FCM achieves the best low cost performance compared to other methods due to its approximation-based model. The results also show that our privacy-preserving methods are able to offer precise predictions.

  • 出版日期2013-5