Alas1 is essential for neutrophil maturation in zebrafish

作者:Lian, Junwei; Chen, Jiakui; Wang, Kun; Zhao, Lingfeng; Meng, Ping; Yang, Liting; Wei, Jiayi; Ma, Ning; Xu, Jin; Zhang, Wenqing*; Zhang, Yiyue*
来源:Haematologica-The Hematology Journal, 2018, 103(11): 1785-1795.


Neutrophils play essential roles in innate immunity and are the first responders to kill foreign micro-organisms, a function that partially depends on their granule content. The complicated regulatory network of neutrophil development and maturation remains largely unknown. Here we utilized neutrophil-deficient zebrafish to identify a novel role of Alas 1, a heme biosynthesis pathway enzyme, in neutrophil development. We showed that Alas1-deficient zebrafish exhibited proper neutrophil. initiation, but further neutrophil maturation was blocked. due to heme deficiency, with lipid storage and granule formation deficiencies, and loss of.heme-dependent granule protein activities. Consequently, Alas1-deficient zebrafish showed impaired bactericidal ability and augmented inflammatory responses when challenged with Escherichia coil. These findings demonstrate the important role of Alas1 in regulating neutrophil maturation and physiological function through the heme. Our study provides an in v/to model of Alas1 deficiency and may be useful to evaluate the progression of heme-related disorders in order to facilitate the development of drugs and treatment strategies for these diseases.