
Polarized neutron experiment has been performed on a URhSi single crystal at 2 K with field applied along the c axis that is the easy magnetization direction. Maximum entropy approach has revealed that the magnetization distribution is significantly prolongated along the easy magnetization direction. Refinement of the magnetic structure factors yields the spin (0.33 mu(B)) and orbital components (0.99 mu(B)) of the uranium magnetic moments that are oriented antiparallel to each other and strongly reduced with respect to the free U(3 ) or U(4 ) ion. A small induced moment on the Rh atoms of about 0.05 mu(B) has been found. The difference with respect to total bulk magnetization is ascribed to the polarization of the conduction electrons. The deduced ratio between the orbital and spin part suggests that 5f electron moments are delocalized and close to the U(4 ) ionic state. The agreement with theoretical calculations is only limited.

  • 出版日期2009-1
  • 单位中国地震局