
Certain dynamical systems on the interval with indifferent fixed points admit invariant probability measures which are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. These maps are often used as a model of intermittent dynamics, and they exhibit sub-exponential decay of correlations (due to the absence of a spectral gap in the underlying transfer operator). This paper concerns a class of these maps which are expanding (with convex branches), but admit an indifferent fixed point with tangency of O(x(1+alpha)) at x = 0 (0 < alpha < 1). The main results show that invariant probability measures can be rigorously approximated by a finite calculation. More precisely: Ulam's method (a sequence of computable finite rank approximations to the transfer operator) exhibits L(1)-convergence; and the nth approximate invariant density is accurate to at least O (n-((1-alpha)2)). Explicitly given non-uniform Ulam methods can improve this rate to O (n-((1-alpha))).

  • 出版日期2010-3