ADad 8: School Phobia and Anxiety Disorders Among Adolescents in a Rural Community Population in India

作者:Nair M K C*; Russell Paul Swamidhas Sudhakar; Subramaniam Vinod Shanmukham; Nazeema Suma; Chembagam Neethu; Russell Sushila; Shankar Satya Raj; Jakati Praveen Kumar; Charles Helen
来源:Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 2013, 80(S2): S171-S174.


Objective School Phobia (SP), although is not a formal psychiatric diagnosis, is widely prevalent debilitating phenomenon with a gamut of underlying psychiatric conditions in an overwhelming majority of cases. This study documents the prevalence, symptom presentation and the relationship between the various subtypes of Anxiety Disorders (AD) and School Phobia. Methods In a prospective community survey of 500 adolescents, independent raters administered the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders and Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children/Present and Lifetime to identify SP and subtype of AD respectively. Descriptive statistics for the prevalence and symptom presentation, Spearman's Correlation test, Independent t tests, on-way ANOVA and Chi-square tests were done to compare the prevalence and severity of School Phobia among various age groups and gender. Univariate and multivariate analyses were done for documenting the relationship between the School Phobia and Anxiety Disorders. Results School Phobia was noted in 4.8 % of adolescents. Although age was related to SP, gender, school grade the adolescent was attending and family structure were not related to SP. Somatic symptoms were more often noted than cognitive-emotional symptoms among adolescents with SP. Panic Disorder (OR=8.62), Social Anxiety Disorder (OR=8.63), and Separation Anxiety Disorder (OR=6.26), were significantly related to SP. Conclusions School Phobia is noted in a significant proportion of adolescents in the community. Anxiety Disorder is a major underlying factor resulting in SP. Community and clinical intervention and service models should include anxiety alleviation methods in adolescents with School Phobia.

  • 出版日期2013-11