
To connect renewable energy sources (RESs) with a unity-grid, energy storage (ES) systems are essential to eliminate the weather fluctuation effect, and high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission is preferred for large-scale RESs power plants due to the merits of low cost and high efficiency. This paper proposes a multi-port bidirectional DC/DC converter consisting of multiple modules that can integrate ES system and HVDC transmission. Thanks to the adoption of three-port converters as submodules (SMs), ES devices, for example, batteries, can be decentralized into SMs and controlled directly by the SMs. Additionally, SMs are connected in a scalable matrix topology, presenting the advantages of flexible power flows, high voltage step-up ratios and low voltage/current ratings of components to satisfy the requirements of HVDC transmission. Furthermore, the control flexibility and fault tolerance capability are increased due to the matrix topology. In this paper, the analysis of the novel modular multi-port converter is introduced, and its functions are verified by the simulation results in PSIM.

  • 出版日期2018
  • 单位Polytechnic university; The University of Liverpool; University of LIVERPOOL