
The article presents a simple quantitative model for geodiversity evaluation, which merges spatial relationship of geodiversity elements with terrain data. The model is partially automated in geographic information system tools to eliminate the majority of subjectivity in evaluation. As a result, it can be used for different environment types and is applicable for comparative studies. The method was applied to the Skocjan Caves Regional Park, which is one of the most diverse karst areas in the world. The geodiversity element types were identified through remote sensing data and basic field mapping. Their diversity was subsequently defined through block statistic tools in a geographic information system programme. The geodiversity index was calculated from a number of different geodiversity element types within defined spatial units and from the terrain ruggedness index. Areas of high geodiversity index or geodiversity hotspots are in strong correlation with the most diverse areas of the regional park, which are also currently promoted for geotouristic and educational purposes.

  • 出版日期2018-3