
Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, corresponds to a sequence of intracellular events that lead to cell death. It has been shown that apoptosis is necessary in some physiological conditions such as embryogenesis, homeostasis of the immune system, erythropoiesis, etc. Some xenobiotics can induce apoptosis at lower doses and necrosis at higher doses. When a cell dies, it is either by apoptosis or by necrosis, and there are many differences between these two deaths. Apoptosis begins by a pre-commitment phase, which is reversible; during this phase the cell has a high level of second messengers. The commitment phase then follows and is irreversible, even when the xenobiotic that triggered the induction is removed. Most often, apoptotic cell death requires synthesis of macromolecules, the inhibition of their synthesis can prevent it. the cell undergoes important morphological changes during apoptosis, its volume decreases when its density increases. Then chromatin becomes granular, intensively osmiophilic, it condenses along the nuclear membrane. Later, chromatin disintegrates into small granules which will be phagocytized. One of the most important characteristics of the programmed cell death is the activation of an endonuclease, that gives rise to DNA fragments of 180 - 200 base pairs or multiples of these numbers; then after electrophoresis, the DNA gives the appearance of a ladder. Apoptotic cells can be characterized after classic staining, and flow cytometry; they can be separated from other cells by centrifugation on a gradient of density. It has been hypothesized that cell transformation could be due to a sudden resistance to apoptosis. However, the most interesting aspect in oncology recently demonstrated is that well-known anticancer drugs are able to induce apoptosis. One can hope that the discovery of new targets for anticancer drugs could lead to discovering new drugs that could be more active.

  • 出版日期1992-5