
Osteo genesis imperfect (OI) is a group of genetically diverse connective tissue disorders. Bisphosphonotes therapy to manage bone fragility, a now common medical therapy for OI, can increase the risk of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws. In this report, a 6 1/2 year child, who was receiving bisphosphonate therapy for OI, underwent full mouth dental rehabilitation in the operating room while under general anesthesia. The child hod numerous teeth restored and multiple primary molar extractions. The patient, who received prophylactic antibiotics intraoperatively, demonstrated no clinical signs of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis when seen at follow-up. Although bisphosphonate osteonecrosis is a possible sequel in children who receive multiple extractions, no clinical signs were manifested in our patient, who required multiple primary tooth extractions along with restorative treatment under general anesthesia. While no dental guidelines hove been developed to manage OI children having been treated with bisphosphonates, consent for extractions should include the risk of bone necrosis and careful post-operative observation to monitor wound healing. (Pediatr Dent 2011;33:349-52) Received February 22, 2010 vertical bar Last Revision July 28, 2010 vertical bar Accepted August 25, 2010

  • 出版日期2011-8