An iterative method for near-field Fresnel region polychromatic phase contrast imaging

作者:Carroll Aidan J; van Riessen Grant A*; Balaur Eugeniu; Dolbnya Igor P; Tran Giang N; Peele Andrew G
来源:Journal of Optics, 2017, 19(7): 075003.


We present an iterative method for polychromatic phase contrast imaging that is suitable for broadband illumination and which allows for the quantitative determination of the thickness of an object given the refractive index of the sample material. Experimental and simulation results suggest the iterative method provides comparable image quality and quantitative object thickness determination when compared to the analytical polychromatic transport of intensity and contrast transfer function methods. The ability of the iterative method to work over a wider range of experimental conditions means the iterative method is a suitable candidate for use with polychromatic illumination and may deliver more utility for laboratory-based x-ray sources, which typically have a broad spectrum.