
Acute ataxia in a pediatric patient poses a diagnostic dilemma for any physician. While the most common etiologies are benign, occasional individuals require urgent intervention. Children with stroke, toxic ingestion, infection, and neuro-inflammatory disorders frequently exhibit ataxia as an essential if not the only presenting feature. The available retrospective research utilize inconsistent definitions of acute ataxia, precluding the ability to pool data from these studies. No prospective data exist that report on patients presenting to the emergency department with ataxia. This review examines the reported causes of ataxia and attempts to group them into distinct categories: post-infectious and inflammatory central and peripheral phenomena, toxic ingestion, neurovascular, infectious and miscellaneous. From there, we synthesize the existing literature to understand which aspects of the history, physical exam, and ancillary testing might aid in narrowing the differential diagnosis. MRI is superior to CT in detecting inflammatory or vascular insults in the posterior fossa, though CT may be necessary in emergent situations. Lumbar puncture may be deferred until after admission in most instances, with suspicion for meningitis being the major exception. There is insufficient evidence to guide laboratory evaluation of serum, testing should be ordered based on clinical judgement recommended studies include metabolic profiles and screening labs for metabolic disorders (lactate and ammonia). All patients should be reflexively screened for toxic ingestions.

  • 出版日期2016-12
