
This paper deals with the problem of global leader-following consensus of a group of discrete-time general linear systems with bounded controls. For each follower agent in the group, we construct both a bounded state feedback control law and a bounded output feedback control law. The feedback laws for each input of an agent use a multi-hop relay protocol, in which the agent obtains the information of other agents through multi-hop paths in the communication network. The number of hops each agent uses to obtain its information about other agents for an input is less than or equal to the sum of the number of real eigenvalues on the unit circle and the number of pairs of complex eigenvalues on the unit circle of the subsystem corresponding to the input, and the feedback gains are constructed from the adjacency matrix of the communication network. We show that these control laws achieve global leader-following consensus when the communication topology among follower agents forms a strongly connected and detailed balanced directed graph and the leader is a neighbor of at least one follower agent.