
This paper is concerned with the problem of classifying an observation vector into one of two populations Pi(1) : N-p (mu(1) , Sigma ) and Pi(2) : N-p (mu(2) , Sigma) . Anderson (1973, Ann. Statist.) provided an asymptotic expansion of the distribution for a Studentized linear discriminant function, and proposed a cut-off point in the linear discriminant rule to control one of the two misclassification probabilities. However, as dimension p becomes larger, the precision worsens, which is checked by simulation. Therefore, in this paper we derive an asymptotic expansion of the distribution of a linear discriminant function up to the order p(-1) as N-1, N-2, and p tend to infinity together under the condition that p / (N-1 + N-2 - (2)) converges to a constant in (0,1), and N-1 / N-2 converges to a constant in (0,infinity), where N-i means the size of sample drown from Pi(i) (i = 1, 2). Using the expansion, we provide a cut-off point. A small-scale simulation revealed that our proposed cut-off point has good accuracy.

  • 出版日期2017-11
