
By introducing the inert salt CaF(2) as dispersant, a convenient low-temperature CVD method has been developed to grow low-melting-point-metal nitride or oxide nanostructures, such as GaN nanowires, AlN nanorods, Ga(2)O(3) nanowires and nanobelts, SnO(2) nanorods and nanobelts, In(2)O(3) nanosheets and nanowires. All the materials above were successfully grown on Si substrates through the direct nitriclation or oxidation of metals-CaF(2) mixture in the range of 650-750 degrees C. Compared with the necessary temperatures previously reported also through the direct nitridation or oxidation of low-melting-point-metal powders, herein low-temperature synthesis could be attributed to the dispersion of inert salt CaF2 which help to substantially increase the surface areas and the vapor pressures of the corresponding metal precursors. The simplicity of the preparation procedure and the wide potential applications of this route make this study technologically interesting.