
In this paper, we present and analyze a model of the oscillations of a pair of gas bubbles driven by non spherical ultrasound. We derived our model based on the perturbation and potential flow theories and use it to study three cases of oscillation of two bubbles under driving ultrasound with different initial phases, different separation distances between the bubbles and different sound pressure amplitudes. For the driving ultrasound with different initial phases, we obtain the in-phase and anti-phase radial pulsations of the bubbles in incompressible liquid. We also study the effect of the secondary Bjerknes force on the oscillation of bubbles separated by different relative distances. Lastly, we analyze the ratio of a nonspherical to a spherical partial quantity, and the results show that the bubbles survive longer with decreases in both the pressure amplitude of nonspherical ultrasound and the initial bubbles radii.