
This is the first description of a secondary mandibular overgrowth due to condylar misregulation in a congenitally under-grown mandible. This case of unilateral hemifacial microsomia proves the postulated existence (Mandibular Growth Anomalies: Terminology, Aetiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, 2001) of 2 different growth regulators in the condyle of each side of the mandible. It shows clear and typical symptoms of hemimandibular hyperplasia on its right side and of hemimandibular elongation on its left mandible despite the existence of a well-developed hemifacial microsomia on the same side. Correction was carried out on the basis of our routine planning and planning principles, including condylectomy on the side of the hemifacial microsomia, because of still active hemimandibular elongation.

  • 出版日期2010-9