
An RNA polymerase III (Pol LII) transcription unit containing homology to highly repeated Alu sequences was identified in the upstream flanking sequences of the gene for the human proliferating-cell nucleolar antigen p120. When transcribed in vitro, this Pol III unit produced three RNA transcripts, designated by nucleotide length as T150, T385 and T635; RNA transcript T635 was the most abundant accounting for over 90%. The transcription initiates at nucleotide -729 of the human p120 promoter and proceeds in the opposite orientation to the p120 gene transcription. Northern blot analysis and cDNA cloning followed by sequencing showed the presence of the T635 RNA in HeLa cells, indicating that this Pol III transcription unit is functional and transcribed in vivo. Disruption of this Pol III transcription unit by deletion of the Box A residues (-733 to -744) resulted in a sixfold reduction of the p120 gene transcription. A possible role for this Pol III transcription unit in p120 gene transcription is discussed.

  • 出版日期1999-11