
Purpose: The aim was to examine the handover process in the postanesthesia care unit, how much the receiver remembered, and what factors influenced memory. Design: An observational study with a descriptive and correlational design. Methods: A total of 73 handovers were investigated, and data were collected using observation, audiotape recordings of the handovers, and the patient's anesthetic record. Finding: Interruptions occurred at 56 (77%) handovers and the sender expressed unclear information at 51 (70%) handovers. The mean of the verbally given information remembered by the receivers was 47%; the items mostly likely not to be remembered were the drugs used during anesthesia. A linear generalized estimating equation was used and identified variables that were significantly associated with receivers' retention of information were structure and handover duration. Conclusion: Lack of structure and long duration of the verbal handover decrease how much the receiver will remember.

  • 出版日期2015-4