
The iron and steel industry is known as the largest energy-consuming and CO2-emitting manufacturing sector in the world. Therefore, investigation, development and deployment of alternative energy-efficient iron-making breakthrough technologies along with CO2 capture technology are receiving high priority to mitigate environmental concerns by reducing pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions of around level 50 % by 2050 compared to 2007. This research evaluates the CCS systems in the iron and steel industry considering four prominent aspects (engineering, economic, environmental and social) of sustainability using questionnaire with group of experts having relevant experience. A novel hybrid multi-criteria decision model is proposed integrating Delphi, 2-tuple decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory, and extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP to select the dimensions and critical factors for evaluating alternative iron-making technologies with CCS systems. Case studies are conducted in iron and steel industries in Malaysia and Bangladesh to illustrate the proposed framework and to demonstrate its usefulness and validity.

  • 出版日期2016-11