
Adsorption of the strong Lewis acid BF3 was investigated to probe the sensitivity of the Lewis basicity of surface oxygens on LiNbO3 (0001) to the ferroelectric polarization direction. Adsorption and desorption were characterized by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to monitor the intensity and binding energy of the F is core level as a function of BF3 exposure and temperature. The results indicate that both BF3 uptake and desorption are very similar on the positively and negatively poled surfaces. In particular, BF3 only weakly adsorbs with the majority of the adsorbed BF3 desorbing below 200 K. Despite the similarities in the uptake and desorption behavior, the binding energy of the F 1s peak relative to the substrate Nb 3d(5/2) peak was sensitive to the polarization direction, with the F Is peak occurring at a binding energy up to 03 eV lower on positively poled than negatively poled LiNbO3 for equivalent BF3 exposures. Rather than reflecting a difference in bonding to the surface, however, this shift could be associated with oppositely oriented dipoles at the positively and negatively poled surfaces creating opposite band offsets between the adsorbate and the substrate. A similar effect was observed with lead zirconate titanate thin films where the Pb 4f XPS peak position changes as a function of temperature as a result of the pyroelectric effect which changes the magnitude of the surface and interface dipoles.