
When dispatching mobile agents in context-free Internet applications, network conditions and the selected dispatch schedule are the two key factors that affect the efficiency of the process. Network conditions on the Internet change constantly, but dispatching mobile agents under the same dispatch schedule in different network conditions can have dramatically different results. For example, the schedule may be completed in the shortest possible time or it may fail completely. Longer or less compact schedules are more robust than flatter schedules when network conditions deteriorate, whereas flatter or compact schedules are more efficient when network conditions are good. Therefore, to dispatch mobile agents efficiently in context-free Internet applications, we need a simple may to determine the shape of each schedule. In this paper, based on the concept of betweenness-centrality in graph theory, we propose a measure called the selector index, which can distinguish between compact- and loose-structured schedules. We also present an extended version of the selector index to differentiate schedules that belongs to the same equivalence class. By simply comparing these indexes, the system can quickly select suitable schedules for dispatching mobile agents based on various network conditions.

  • 出版日期2010-5