
The name of the spinose odontopleurid trilobite Selenopeltis HAWLE & CORDA, 1847, has been given to a characteristic endemic fauna inhabiting the shallow Ordovician seas around the northern margin of Gondwana. First described in detail by JOACHIM BARRANDE (1852) from Bohemia, the genus has since been identified from species in Ordovician strata in South Wales, Shropshire, Brittany, the Montagne Noire, Spain, Portugal and ?Iraq. This paper describes new material from the Anti Atlas Region of Morocco. Together with new material from Bohemia and Spain, a general description of the genus is given including details of the hypostoma illustrated for the first time in approximate position beneath the cephalon. Reliable and meaningful criteria for distinguishing the various species assigned to the Selenopeltis buchi group are lacking and there appears to be a gradual series from the earliest S. cf. buchi from the early Llanvirn of South Wales to the Caradoc S. buchi from the Welsh Borderland, Bohemia and Morocco. S. macrophthalma (KLOUCEK, 1916) could well be the forerunner of S. buchi which gave rise to S. vultuosa PRIBYL & VANEK, 1966 during the Caradoc of Morocco and here this species extends into the Ashgill. In Bohemia S. vultuosa is restricted to this time interval. Languedopeltis PILLET, 1988 (type species S. binodosus DEAN, 1966) is considered a synonym of Selenopeltis.

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