
Assessment of the severity of paraphilic disorders is an important aspect of psychiatric court reports for assessing criminal responsibility and placement in a forensic psychiatric hospital according to the German penal code (A A A 20, 21, 63 StGB). The minimum requirements for appraisal of criminal responsibility published by an interdisciplinary working group under the guidance of the German Federal Court of Justice define the standards for this procedure. This paper presents a research concept that aims to assess the severity of paraphilic disorders by using items of standardized prognostic instruments. In addition to a formal diagnosis according to the international classification of diseases (ICD) and the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental diseases (DSM) criteria, the items "deviant sexual interests" and "sexual preoccupations" from the prognosis instrument Stable 2007 are used to assess the severity of paraphilic disorders. Other criteria, such as "relationship deficits" are used to support the appraisal of the severity of the disorder. The items "sexual preoccupation", "emotional collapse" and "collapse of social support" from the prognosis instrument Acute 2007 are used to assess the capacity for self-control. In a next step the validity and reliability of this concept will be tested.

  • 出版日期2014-3