
The theory of spatiality has gradually manifested its own significance with the development of modernity. It has not only become a reconstructed critical field in the 20th-century discussion, but also provided a brand new theoretical perspective. Thus this thesis focuses on the theory of spatiality by Edward W. Soja, a contemporary American specialist in this field. Following the sequence of his ideas in his three masterpieces:Postmodern Geographies:the Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory, Third Space Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-imagined Places, and Postmetropolis:Critical Studies of Cities and Regions, the thesis mainly elaborates on his ontology of spatiality and the third space theory as well as the practice in applying his theory into relevant fields such as urban analysis. Besides, the thesis demonstrates the possibility of communicating such spatiality in literary works through the study on John Berger's novel writing and art theories.

  • 出版日期2011