
The proliferation of e-commerce in the private sector and of Internet usage by the public has stimulated global e-government initiatives. The Thailand e-government initiative is based on the government's long-term strategic policy that aims to reform and overhaul the Thai bureaucracy. This study attempted to identify the e-excise success factors by employing the IS success model. The study focused on finding the factors that may contribute to the success of the e-excise initiative. The Delphi Technique was used to investigate the determinant factors for the success of the e-excise initiative. Three-rounds of data collection were conducted with 77 active users from various industries. The results suggest that by increasing Trust in the e-government website, Perceptions of Information Quality Perceptions of System Quality, and Perceptions of Service Quality will influence System Usage and User Satisfaction, and will ultimately have consequences for the Perceived Net Benefits.

  • 出版日期2012