
This paper is related to the field of assembly plan generation. It describes a new approach to a priori check the consistency of an assembly strategy that is given by the assembly system designers before running an assembly plan generation algorithm. The aim of this work is to improve the assembly plan designer%26apos;s efficiency by reducing the research space while proving the existence of acceptable solutions. The assembly strategy combined with the product%26apos;s model implies a set of constraints on the assembly processes. The proposed method determines whether the given assembly strategy produces possible assembly processes. In case of inconsistencies among the strategic constraints, the method will help the designer to identify the contradictory constraints. The set of constraints can be expressed by a Boolean equation. First we present the key concepts and models related to the product, processes, and added values in the field of assembly plan generation. Second we define existing strategic constraints, and propose three new ones and a classification of strategic assembly constraints. The originality of the proposed method consists in defining an elementary strategic constraint that is used to describe every other constraint. The proposed method leads to model an assembly strategy by a single Boolean equation that is used to check the inconsistencies. An industrial case study is provided to highlight and to demonstrate the interests of this approach.

  • 出版日期2012-11